Apex Peak
Perched atop a butte on the north side of Las Vegas sits Apex Peak. Because of its's ideal location, this facility has been a premier telecommunications site for over 60 years.
Convieniently located near I-15 and accessible with a four-wheel drive vehicle, this prime location features two cliffs with over a dozen towers available for lease.
The site offers unparalleled advantages for businesses looking to establish a strong presence in this booming area. Contact us to learn more about leasing opportunities at Apex Peak.
The secure, fenced location offers broad, all-around coverage and features
15 towers on both upper and lower cliffs for flexible connectivity options.
The site includes ample indoor space in an air-conditioned building, reliable
backup power, and floor moisture sensors to ensure equipment protection.
At our Apex site, you'll find a fully equipped facility designed
to meetyour operational needs. Equipment racks and multiple
power outletsprovide versatile power management solutions.
The building features heavy-duty cable trays and 4-inch
feederports to accommodate modern cabling requirements.
We havea variety of towers available -including lattice
towers, guyedtowers, and self-support towers - allowing
you to choose theoption that best suits your specific needs.
Features at This Location
- Security cameras
- Backup generator power
- Air-conditioned equipment rooms
- Secure facilities
- Accessible 365 days a year
- Sturdy towers and mounting poles
- Room & door alert systems
- Equipment racks and power outlets
- Cable trays
- Feeder entry ports